Leadership 2.0

Awakening to the Call of Time

In tune with the current need to avoid large social gatherings and keeping the participant’s health & safety in mind, April Retreat has been Cancelled

Join our upcoming webinar : link

9–12 April, 2020

(Good Friday long weekend)

Leadership 1.0 was about searching for right answers to tell the employees. Leadership 2.0 is about searching for right questions to ask the employees. Leadership 1.0 was all about Tell & Do. Leadership 2.0 is about Ask & Listen.

Leadership 1.0 was all about extracting work ‘from’ the employees. Leadership 2.0 is all about empowering, experimenting & exploring ‘with’ the employees. Leadership 1.0 was all about ‘Doing’. Leadership 2.0 is all about ‘Being’.

Leadership 1.0 was all about Projects, Deadlines (interesting word isnt it), Costs, Revenues and Employee was just a ‘resource’ in that land. Projects, Timelines, Costs, Revenues, Profits are still relevant and important but in the land of Leadership 2.0, employee is treated as a ‘human being’ not as a ‘human doing’.

Line up


BK Dr Nirmala

Practising and Teaching Rajyoga Meditation for 50+ Years. Director of Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga Centers in APAC Region


BK Suraj

Popular TV personality with Samadhan series. Practising and Teaching Rajyoga meditation for 50+ years


Sister Shivani

Goodwill ambassador of World Psychiatric Association, and recepient of Nari-Shakti award

sis radhika

BK Radhika

Post-Graduate in Psychology, Speaker, Meditation Teacher for 23+ years


Bala Kishore

Vice President – Transformation at Searce Software, Certified Executive Coach by the International Coach Federation

bk deepa

BK Deepa

Conducted Leadership programs at IT companies & Industries

Mohit new pic 2

Dr Mohit Dayal Gupta

Professor of cardiology in GB Pant Hospital, Chairman of Delhi
Intervention Council

Schedule & Info

9th – 12th April 2020

05:30 pmSession 1
07:00 pmMeditation
07:30 pmDinner
06:30 amMorning Exercises
07:00 amRaja Yoga
08:15 amBreakfast
09:30 amInaugural Session
11:00 amBreak
11:30 amSession 2
01:00 pmLunch
04:00 pmActivity
05:30 pmBreak
05:45 pmSession 3
07:00 pmMeditation
07:30 pmDinner
04:30 amGuided Meditation
06:30 amMorning Exercises
07:05 amRaja Yoga
08:15 amBreakfast
09:30 amSession 5
11:00 amRefreshments
11:30 amSession 6
01:00 pmLunch
04:00 pmTea
04:45 pmSession 7
07:00 pmMeditation
07:30 pmDinner
08:30 pmSession 8
04.30 amGuided Meditation
06.30 amMorning Exercises
07.05 amRaja Yoga
08.15 amBreakfast
09.30 amSession 9
11.00 amRefreshments
11.30 amSession 10
12.30 pmExperience Sharing
1.30 pmSightseeing
5.00 pmDeparture
  • Original Aadhar card with one photocopy is compulsory to attend the event.
  • Children are strictly not allowed.
  • Please fill the registration form on the day of your arrival.
  • Please put on the badge provided to you all the time during your stay here.
  • Please be punctual in your classes. Bring a note book and pen with you.
  • Tea & meals are served in Dining Hall No. 7. Please come in time for meals and take meals in silence as far as possible.
  • Audio-Video cassettes & C.D.’s of Songs, Music, Raja Yoga Shivir and all lectures are available at Audio-Visual counter below Harmony Hall.
  • Please take care of your belongings. In case of anything lost, please inquire/inform at the reception counter or from the care-taker of your building.
  • Please do not drink water directly from the taps. Drinking water is available at different places in all the buildings.
  • For site-seeing, please contact the sight-seeing office, next to the transport office, in the Reception Centre.
  • Literature can be purchased outside the Harmony Hall opposite Global Office as well as at the Literature stall situated in Raj Rishi Bhawan, opposite sewage treatment plant.
  • Telephone facility is available in Telephone Exchange office located on right of the steps at the entrance of Auditorium building and also at the entrance of the “International Centre for Higher Learning” (Training Complex).
  • For any health problem, please approach the dispensary near Vishnu Puri during 8.30 AM to 12.30 PM, 5.30 PM to 6.30 PM and 8.00 PM to 9.00 PM.
  • Smoking and consuming alcohol or any other intoxicant is strictly prohibited during the course of your stay.
    For any assistance, you can approach the care-taker of the building in which you are accommodated.
  • It is advisable not to go for a stroll after 10 pm. outside Gyan Sarovar campus due to vicinity of forest and the wild animals.
  • Please fill your Feedback/ Experience form and give in the class or at the Academy office before departure.
  • Please inform the transport department, two days before your departure for providing you transport facility to Abu road.
  • Retreat’s dates are 9th to 12th inclusive. So please plan your return *only* after Sunday 5 PM. We expect ALL the participants to attend the retreat until Sunday 5.00 PM
  • During the retreat’s dates NO Sight Seeing is Allowed. Participants are expected to attend ALL the Sessions during the Retreat until Sunday 12th Evening


Gyan Sarovar Retreat Center – Academy for a Better World, Mount Abu, Rajasthan

Registration is FREE but mandatory

Check FAQ here. For any inquiries please email [email protected]

Retreat Archive